Lemon & Lime Salt: TWISTED SISTAZ 16oz
Lemon & Lime Salt: TWISTED SISTAZ 16oz
The use of lemon and lime typically drive their culinary uses in separate directions. Both fruits are acidic and sour, but lemons tend to be sweeter, while limes have a more bitter flavor. When combined, they offer a unique and robust burst of citrus for loads of dishes. Try this flavor on poultry, fish, vegetables, salads, fresh fruit and the rim of a cocktail glass such as a margarita.
16oz jug
Ingredients: Lemon, Lime, Sea Salt
*This size does not include product recipe card unless requested
Shelf Life
Shelf Life
All SALTOPIA products are guaranteed for 3 years starting at the time of delivery.
Storage & Care
Storage & Care
All SALTOPIA products are 100% natural and chemical free. Always be sure to store our products cool & dry to prevent sticking. We do not ever use anti-caking agents, pouring agents or other harsh chemicals.
Chefie Tip
Chefie Tip
All SALTOPIA products come with a recipe card featuring ideas on how to use each flavor! Our best ideas come directly from our customers who love our products. Be adventurous! If a combination of fresh food ingredients and a SALTOPIA flavor infusion sounds good - then try it! Always be sure to share your creations with us here at SALTOPIA.

Love all your salts and Twisted Sistaz does not disappoint!!